Friday, August 26, 2011

Fantasy Pod Tree WIP Update ~ Mason~

                                                                        ~~ Mason ~~

I am really pleased with his outcome, and will show you his WIP below.

Mason WIP still needs his right foot, and much smoothing...

 First photo, no deatials had been sculpted into his chest at this point

Mason is fully sculpted, and sanded..first layer of Genesis Heat Set oils have been applied, and baked more paint, and hair..

The Pod has also has a bit of a face lift..I muted the colors on the fauna floor, although it looks very yellow here, it is in fact more raw sienna, and greens/bronzes/pewters

In this photo, you can see the true colors in Mason pod, as well as the sculpted detailing on it.

Thanks friends for following along as I created Mason, He will be listed on Ebay starting tonight.

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